Certain members of the Boys & Girls Club have severe food allergies to dairy, peanuts, tree nuts and eggs. As you know, food allergies are a growing concern, as millions of children -- children who are perfectly healthy and normal in every other way -- must watch every single bite they eat or risk suffering a severe or even life-threatening reaction.
A major health issue such as this must be taken very seriously, and it is important that there is strict avoidance of these foods in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. While emergency treatment is available for allergic reactions, there is no cure yet. The only treatment for food allergies is strict avoidance of allergens. Sometimes even a small amount of an allergen can cause a deadly reaction.
To reduce the chance of this occurring, we have implemented the following safety guidelines and ask your help to provide a safe environment:
This is a learning process for all of us, but we trust that you understand how deeply important it is to respect and adhere to these guidelines. While we cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment, we, at the Boys & Girls Club, are an allergy-sensitive facility.
A major health issue such as this must be taken very seriously, and it is important that there is strict avoidance of these foods in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. While emergency treatment is available for allergic reactions, there is no cure yet. The only treatment for food allergies is strict avoidance of allergens. Sometimes even a small amount of an allergen can cause a deadly reaction.
To reduce the chance of this occurring, we have implemented the following safety guidelines and ask your help to provide a safe environment:
- Please do not send any peanuts or tree nuts, peanut butter or foods containing peanut/tree nuts or peanut butter to be eaten as snacks or for lunch. When choosing snacks or food to send with your child, please read the ingredient list on the labels very carefully to ensure that nuts or peanuts are not listed as actual ingredients. This means product(s) cannot contain peanuts and cannot have the following warnings: “may contain…,” “processed in a facility…,” and/or “manufactured on shared equipment…”
- We will not conduct any projects that involve foods containing peanuts and/or nuts, or foods manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts or tree nuts.
- Only store bought, prepackaged foods with an ingredient label may be sent to the Club to share with other children.
- Many nut allergies are most serious and can be “airborne.” If your child ate a peanut product for breakfast or lunch; we would greatly appreciate your making sure that his/her hands are washed with soap and water and that his/her teeth are brushed before leaving for school.
- We would ask that you discuss food allergies with your child. Please ask them not to share or trade food with any of their friends.
- Field trips, guest speakers and visitors are the highlight of our programs for many children, but can pose challenges for families managing food allergies. Please be advised that when members travel off site for trips, those venues may not be safe for children with certain allergies. While we are dedicated to being allergy sensitive, there are instances on field trips when nuts may be served at vending machines/concession stands, or and may be brought in accidentally, or by other groups visiting the facility. While we cannot guarantee an allergy-sensitive environment on trips, we will do our best to work with families.
This is a learning process for all of us, but we trust that you understand how deeply important it is to respect and adhere to these guidelines. While we cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment, we, at the Boys & Girls Club, are an allergy-sensitive facility.